Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meatless, Week 3

The view from my front door.
Many of my friends and family are enjoying a snow day today. My facebook feed is decorated with pictures of white landscapes and rosy smiling faces of children peeking out from layers of poofy snow gear. I have many happy memories of playing in the snow, and coming in to warm up with cocoa and a pile of blankets. But I don't miss it. Snow is beautiful, and no picture can capture the loveliness of ice covered trees sparkling in the sun, but I love being able to peek out my window in February and see the rich green of the wheat fields. Outside the sun is warm and the birds are singing. March really looks and feels like spring, and I'm ready for it!

I'm also ready for Easter. I haven't been having lots of meat cravings or feeling particularly deprived, but my tummy was grumbling when I walked past the meat case at the grocery store. I enjoy a good ham (or lamb!) for Easter dinner, but at the moment I'm thinking a nice, thick, juicy steak. Meanwhile, we are doing fine with our meatless meals, and enjoying the savings at the grocery store.

Wednesday - Baked Potato Soup and fresh french baguettes (Rating: 4/5)

As a lifelong Lutheran, I think Lenten midweek pre-service soup is in my blood. Our congregations have fellowship and snacks after the service, which is a lovely way to finish out the evening - and offers time to chat and nosh without having to watch the clock. But even if I am eating at my own kitchen table instead of a church basement, I want soup before church.

This was my first attempt at baguettes, and I was very pleased with the result. We enjoyed the leftovers as french toast for lunch on Thursday.

Thursday - Black Bean Croquettes with Asian Flavorings (Raing: 5/5)

From "How to Cook Everything" by Mark Bittman, one of my favorite cookbooks. These are a favorite of ours, even the baby gobbles them up. I always forget out quick and easy they are to make - I had dinner ready and on the able in 15 minutes. I feel sketchy copying out the recipe from the cookbook here, but if you want it send me a message and I'll email it to you. I served with a avocado/lime/yogurt sauce (equal parts mushed avocado and plain yogurt, with a squirt of lime juice and pinch of salt) and a side salad.

Friday - Pizza Skewers with Garlic Butter Dipping Sauce (Rating: 5/5)

This was a special twist on our usual pizza night in honor of my daughter's 4th birthday. I served with without the sticks. The sauce was exceptional. So good, in fact, that my new 4 year old was lapping up the leftover sauce after the rolls were gone.

Saturday - Refried Bean Burritos

Yes, again. I wasn't feeling particularly creative and we had all the ingredients on hand.

Sunday - Baked Mac and Cheese (Rating: 5/5)

You probably can't see the recipe, America's Test Kitchen is stingy with their recipes. I have their Family Cookbook, a gift from a friend, and I use it often. Bittman and ATK are my go-tos for kitchen advice, I would be lost without these books. This Mac and Cheese is amazing. The secret is using broth and whole milk for the roux.

Monday -  leftovers

Tuesday - Pita Quesadillas with Cilantro Hummus

I can't really give this a rating, because we didn't really end up following the recipe. I made the pita bread (a la Bittman), and it didn't puff properly, so no pockets in the pitas. I also cheated and bought roasted red pepper hummus because it was on sale and I couldn't find roasted red peppers. So I made pita chips and we dipped them in the hummus and had a spinach salad on the side. I was stuffed at the end of the meal, so I think it was a success anyway.

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